At a bridge inauguration ceremony in Baja, PM Viktor Orbán said that Hungary stands on the threshold of a new era, as the country’s economic achievements have brought it to the forefront of the European Union. He added that for now, this is true in terms of the pace of development, rather than its current level.

As Hungary is consistently among the leaders – or close to being – in terms of economic growth, this is not a unique event, Mr. Orbán said. He was speaking at the opening ceremony of a cycle and pedestrian bridge connecting Petőfi Island and Nagy Pandúr Island via Sugovica, a tourist development worth more than HUF 2 billion.

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The Prime Minister pointed out that the results of recent years can no longer be explained by luck.

Talking about developments across the country, he said that “one can see in Baja – as well as in almost every settlement across the country – how much richer Hungary is becoming year by year and day by day, and how the country has been built up from its state in 2010, when we took over government of a country on the verge of bankruptcy”.

The Prime Minister emphasised the importance of the major sports, leisure and cultural investments of recent years, which encourage people to spend their free time in useful and healthy ways.

Talking about the cycle and pedestrian bridge, he said that Hungary is not only at the European forefront in terms of economic growth rate, but also in cycling.

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Referring to the results of recent years, Mr. Orbán said that 532 kilometres of cycle routes worth HUF 20 billion were constructed between 2010 and 2014, and the construction of a further 230 kilometres in ongoing.

“God willing, by 2020 approximately HUF 50 billion in funds will ensure the construction of 1000–1500 kilometres of cycle routes”, he added.

According to the Prime Minister, “there is a kind of moral justice in history”, as those things that were disadvantageous for a long time for the city of Baja can in today’s modern world be turned to its advantage.

He recalled that the Yugoslav Wars “had driven investors away from here”, but now things are about to be made right, “it is a long time since Serbian-Hungarian relations were as good as they are now”, and this provides further opportunities.

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The Prime Minister pointed out that cities that are isolated on the borders of the country may now gain special development momentum. He thanked the citizens of Baja for giving all Hungarian settlements an example in terms of development.

“I wish you the enjoyment and good use of all the fruits of your work”, Mr. Orbán said when concluding his speech, which was greatly appreciated by his audience.

Talking about the Government-supported developments implemented in recent years in Baja, Róbert Zsigó, Minister of State for Food Chain Supervision and Member of Parliament for Baja, said that he had the honour of serving Baja’s citizens between 2010 and 2014 as mayor of the city, and he emphasised that local people can count on his and the Government’s support in the future as well.

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Following the bridge inauguration ceremony, the tourist centre established on Petőfi Island was also inaugurated.

The tourist development in Baja of over HUF 2 billion was started in 2013, and it will be finished this year.

(Prime Minister's Office)