The defence against the flood, obliging the banks to repay borrowers’ losses and reducing public utility charges were called the biggest successes of the past period by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Saturday in Kötcse. The Prime Minister was interviewed by M1 News before the Thirteenth Civic Picnic, a long-established event organised by the Foundation for a Civic Hungary.

Mr Orbán said that at the meeting he would first mention a few rather important things where the most remarkable results were achieved and which must be the grounds for future action. Three things were emphasised: the defence against the flood on the Danube, obliging the banks to repay borrowers’ losses and reducing public utility charges.

Mr Orbán added that he would also talk about the great significance of the municipal elections, justifying their importance by pointing out that the Hungarian social, economic and political system cannot exist without the local governments.

He added that the Hungarians are a nation inspired by the idea of municipality, who like to provide for themselves and govern themselves and therefore it is very important who they will elect and with what kind of mandate at the municipal elections.

DownloadPhoto: Barna Burger

The Prime Minister thinks it is of primary importance that the newly elected municipal leaders should be able to smoothly cooperate with the Government in the interest of the people living in the towns and villages.

According to Mr Orbán, it has been the experience of the past four years that if forces are joined, the results will come.

Mr Orbán added that he would urge everybody to participate in the campaign for the municipal elections.

The closed civic picnic has been organised in Kötcse, Somogy county since 2004, with the participation of FIDESZ politicians and a group of right wing intellectuals linked to them.

(Prime Minister's Office)