In Parliament on Monday Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced that a national consultation is to be held on the five dangers that Hungary will have to face this year.

The Prime Minister listed these dangers as the following: Brussels banning the reduction in public utility charges; illegal immigration; foreign attempts at political interference; and Brussels’ attacks on Hungarian tax cuts and job creation programmes.
In his speech before the start of daily business, Mr. Orbán said that “The Government is calling the measures drawn up against these five attacks a new national policy, which will protect Hungary and national interests”.

More and more people in Europe share Hungary’s opinion on migration

In his speech before Monday’s sitting of Parliament, the Prime Minister said that at the last EU prime ministerial summit more people than earlier supported the setting up of refugee camps outside the EU. This was originally a Hungarian proposal, which Brussels had previously been unwilling to consider.

Mr. Orbán also spoke about the fact that pressure on the Hungarian border will not end in the coming years, and accordingly border protection will remain a national security issue of key importance.
