In the Prime Minister’s view, the success of the local referendum on the redevelopment of the Normafa area will be a testimony to the unity of local people.

After having voted together with his wife, Anikó Lévai, in Zugliget elementary school in District XII, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told journalists that he had voted “yes”, as in his family’s view the task is to protect the Normafa area.

DownloadPhoto: Tamás KOVÁCS/mti

Referring to the consensus on the issue in the district, the Prime Minister praised the work of the mayor Zoltán Pokorni (Fidesz-KDNP). “It is not easy to create such an atmosphere; the fact that – after months of negotiating with angelic patience – he has succeeded in not having any major opponents to the plan shows first-class professional work”, he said.

According to Mr. Orbán, the nationwide message of the referendum is that nothing is impossible.

In this case, seemingly irreconcilable aspects need be reconciled: on the one hand people want to enjoy themselves and to have services in the Normafa area, while on the other hand nature must be preserved so that it does not fall victim to real-estate speculators, Mr. Orbán explained. He called this task a difficult one, and expressed the hope that the referendum will prove that these aspects can be harmonised in a way that satisfies everyone.

Earlier in the day President János Áder and his wife Anita Herczegh cast their votes in the same school.

(Prime Minister's Office)