Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka took the view that preserving the cooperation and unity of the V4, the Visegrád Member States (in addition to Hungary and the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland), is essential in the interest of the management of the migration crisis, Bertalan Havasi, chief of the Prime Minister’s Press Office told the Hungarian News Agency MTI regarding the meeting of the two Prime Ministers held on Tuesday in New York.

DownloadPrime Minister Viktor Orbán, behind him Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó, at UN meeting on counter-terrorism held in New York on 29 September 2015. Photo by Gergely BOTÁR/Prime Minister’s Press Office

The main topic of the meeting held at the UN Headquarters was the migration situation, and in this context, Mr Orbán thanked the Czech Republic for the offers made within the framework of bilateral military cooperation. The two Prime Ministers agreed that cooperation must be further reinforced in this field, the chief of the Press Office informed MTI.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)