At the opening in Mohács of the Csányi Foundation’s sixth community house, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that many children may be able to benefit from their perseverance in confronting hardship.

The Prime Minister asked the children from Mohács and its surroundings who are participating in the Foundation’s Career Programme to look upon the paths of their lives as eventually leading to just rewards. “You will go further than many who started from a better position than you did”, he added.

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Mr. Orbán thanked businessman Sándor Csányi, who established the Foundation in order to promote education and training for disadvantaged children. As the country stands ever more firmly on its own two feet, he said, more and more Hungarians will be people like Mr. Csányi.

Mr. Csányi said that the Foundation helps 350 children and young people, 56 of whom are already at university, with nine participants even having completed the Foundation’s career programme. The goal, he said, is for every participant to have language and university qualifications, and for one thousand children to be involved in the programme.

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He pointed out that when selecting venues for community houses, regions are favoured where his group of companies has investments. One of these regions is Mohács, where on Tuesday the slaughterhouse of the MCS Vágóhíd company – which is part of Mr. Csányi’s portfolio – was opened.

At the opening ceremony for the Mohács community house, President of the Foundation Erika Csányi – together with Viktor Orbán and Sándor Csányi – symbolically handed over a key to the children of Mohács. The building – built at a cost of HUF 135 million – has four rooms, a communal hall, a computer room and a sports field for participants in the programme. The institution will cater for 46 children from 20 settlements in the area of Mohács and Bóly.

According to the Foundation, mentors and teachers help children to develop their talents over a period of 12 to 14 years, starting from the fifth year in elementary school. From this year 380 children and their families will receive grants through the Career Programme.

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At present the Foundation’s assets total HUF 2.7 billion, comprising sponsor donations and profits, in addition to the founder’s contribution of HUF 2.5 billion. The organisation is currently present in Jászberény, Nagybajom, Kaposvár, Pécs and Mohács, with children in the programme helped by 18 mentors and more than 50 child development teachers.