Replying to a question from Hungarian news portal Origo, the Prime Minister’s Press Chief Bertalan Havasi said the following: “There are no plans for French president Emmanuel Macron to visit Hungary during his current tour of Central and Eastern Europe, but a meeting between the V4 and France may be held before the end of this year; a precise date for this meeting is still under discussion.”

On Thursday Origo published an article reporting that the French president has embarked on a three-day tour of Central and Eastern Europe.

“With relation to the tour, the opposition press has published claims that President Macron was intentionally leaving Budapest off his itinerary, but there were never any plans for such a visit”, Mr. Bertalan said in the statement.

“There was never any plan or agreement for a visit to Hungary by President Macron in August this year; prior to the EU summit in June, however, the prime ministers of the Visegrád Group – including Viktor Orbán – held talks with the French president, during which there arose the possibility of holding another official France-V4 meeting before the end of this year”, the Head of the Prime Minister’s Press Office said.

“We are still looking into a possible date for the meeting that would be suitable for all parties”, Mr. Havasi added.

In Salzburg on Wednesday President Macron met with the heads of state of the so-called Slavkov Group (Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia), and on Thursday he will be travelling on to Romania and Bulgaria.