Next year’s budget brings the country closer to the goal of full employment, Prime Minister Orbán said on Kossuth Radio on Friday. He stated that the aim is to ensure that by 2018 all income subsidies become unnecessary. We will put Hungary to work, he added.

There will be economic growth, with decreasing unemployment as well as more and more people entering the labour market, the Prime Minister pointed out, adding that the financial situation of families will improve and pensions will also be protected.

Talking about the decreasing public debt, Prime Minister Orbán mentioned that Hungary still spends more than its revenues, which the cabinet aims to avoid in the future. Next year’s most important issue will be the loan settlement act, which will significantly reduce the burden on millions of people. International criticism is accumulating as a result of this decision, he added.

Mentioning the case of the US travel ban, the Prime Minister underlined that one cannot defend against libel and so it must be made clear that the Hungarian Government is waiting to receive information on each specific case. Hungary has a zero tolerance policy against corruption, and according to the law everyone who has knowledge of such incidents is obliged to report it.

Prime Minister Orbán noted that the trilateral deal between the EU, Ukraine and Russia ensures that Hungary’s energy supply will not be endangered by a possible Russian-Ukrainian gas dispute, adding that hopefully the deal will endure. He also emphasised that since the replenishing of gas storage facilities is going according to schedule, even if problems were to arise Hungary has enough supplies to also provide natural gas to Serbia.

(Prime Minister's Office)