Hungary's new national assembly re-elected Viktor Orbán as prime minister on Saturday, with 130 votes in favour and 57 against, after which he took the oath of office, and addressed Parliament.

In his speech he stated that although the next government to be formed has a two-thirds majority, it will always "represent three-thirds, in other words every Hungarian" and will seek to serve all of them. He thanked the voters who cast their ballots in the general election on April 6, irrespective of which political force they supported.

He noted that the basic issues have been settled, as this election has reinforced the changes implemented since 2010. The Prime Minister said that Hungary is heading to the centre of Europe, adding that “we are building a new Central Europe” capable of catching up to the Western part of the continent. The government's policy will focus on national cooperation, unity and strengthening a European centre, he highlighted.

Prime Minister Orbán stated that clarity, open dialogue and brave thinking will characterise the government’s European policy. He emphasised that Hungary is member of NATO and the European Union, and no doubt will be cast upon this during his governance. He also talked about relations with ethnic Hungarians around the world, underlining their right to dual citizenship, community rights and autonomy. Economic policy will be at the centre of Hungary’s foreign affairs and the government will continue the opening towards the East, he said, adding that the aim is to raise Hungary’s economic weight in the Carpathian Basin.

Prime Minister Orbán said that he aims to form a government that will be able to create a competitive and fair Hungary, and stated that he wishes to serve this nation well, as its prime minister.