Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has sent a letter of condolence to President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, following the death of Russia’s Ambassador to Ankara in an armed attack in the Turkish capital.

In the letter the Hungarian prime minister wrote: “It is with deep shock that I learnt that the Russian Federation’s Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Ankara had been the victim of a terrorist attack”.

“Hungary utterly condemns all forms of terrorism and all manifestations of violence”, Mr. Orbán wrote.

Speaking in the name of the Government, the Hungarian prime minister assured Mr. Putin and the people of Russia of his support, and expressed his condolences to the family of the victim.

The Russian Ambassador to Ankara, 62-year-old Andrey Karlov, died from his injuries on Monday night after being shot by an attacker. The attack occurred in Ankara’s Gallery of Contemporary Art, where the Ambassador was giving a speech at the opening of an embassy-sponsored exhibition entitled “Russia as seen by Turks”. The attacker was shot dead at the scene.