Hungary does not promote an anti-immigration stance, but wants to see more sensible immigration policies in Europe, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Friday.

After meeting European Union leaders in Brussels, Mr. Orbán told representatives from the Hungarian public media that "We have clarified the Hungarian position on immigration, making it clear that we reject the approach of the European radical right."

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He added that the current European regulations on immigration are not sensible, however.

"We have asked them to accept that Hungary is not prepared to become a target country for immigrants," he added.

Addressing another issue, Mr. Orbán said that Hungary must seek an agreement with Russia on long-term natural gas supplies in order to guarantee the functioning of its economy and secure gas supplies for households.

DownloadPhoto: MTI/EPA/Olivier Hoslet

The Prime Minister expressed the hope that the main points of the deal would be agreed upon during Russian president Vladimir Putin's upcoming Budapest visit.

Mr. Orbán held talks in Brussels with presidents Jean-Claude Juncker of the European Commission, Donald Tusk of the European Council and Joseph Daul of the European People's' Party.

(Prime Minister's Office, MTI)