On Friday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke to Turkish head of state Recep Tayyip Erdogan by telephone, following which he convened his security cabinet, Bertalan Havasi, the Deputy State Secretary heading the Press Office of the Prime Minister informed the Hungarian news agency MTI on Friday evening.

The topics of the conversation with the Turkish President included the war situation in Syria and the issue of migration. Mr Erdogan informed the Hungarian Prime Minister that there was enormous pressure on Turkey, and therefore they would no longer be able to detain some of the migrants currently in their territory. The parties also spoke about the preparations for the V4-Turkey summit to be held in March.

On Friday afternoon, Mr Orbán convened his security cabinet whose members include the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Minister of Interior. At the meeting, they reviewed reports of the Hungarian security services, and then decided to reinforce the protection of the Hungarian borders and to closely monitor proceedings on the Balkans migration route.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)