“Prime Minister Viktor Orbán instructed the Interior Minister to take action with the full severity of the law in connection with former Jobbik Member of Parliament György Gyula Zagyva’s disgraceful anti-Semitic threats”, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief told the Hungarian news agency MTI after a press conference held by István Hollik, a Member of Parliament for KDNP on the matter.

He stressed: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán pointed out in Parliament on a number of occasions that there is zero tolerance in Hungary as far as anti-Semitism is concerned.

On behalf of the government parties, István Hollik told the press on Saturday that, according to press reports, György Gyula Zagyva, Jobbik’s “campaign face” issued deadly threats to one of his critics and his family, and called him a Jew several times in writing and on the telephone.