In a message Prime Minister Viktor Orbán congratulated Gergely Karácsony on his election as Mayor of Budapest, and simultaneously invited him to attend the Wednesday cabinet meeting where members of the government will discuss the future of Budapest developments, among other issues.

“On behalf of the Government of Hungary, I wish to repeatedly congratulate you on the mandate you have earned on the basis of the decision of the citizens of Budapest,” the Prime Minister wrote.

“I wish to thank you for your letter of 24 October 2019 in which you initiated a meeting. According to my information, the initial meeting of the Metropolitan General Assembly will be held on 5 November. I am convinced that issues regarding the development of Budapest require immediate decisions. Therefore, I ask you to accept my invitation to the meeting of the Government of Hungary due to be held on 6 November so that we may acquaint ourselves with your position regarding Budapest projects, and so that we may adopt decisions on the future of Budapest developments which the government earlier decided to support,” Mr Orbán wrote.

He added that the item related to Budapest on the cabinet meeting’s agenda “is naturally not confined to the issue of developments; we are happy to acquaint ourselves with your position on any other matter that is important for Budapest”.

“We look forward to your attendance at 9.00 a.m. on 6 November, Wednesday in the building of the Carmelite Monastery. Minister Gergely Gulyás is happy to be at your disposal regarding the necessary technical issues,” the Prime Minister’s message to the Mayor of Budapest reads in conclusion, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief informed the Hungarian news agency MTI.