At a press conference on Wednesday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán expressed willingness to assist in resolving the problem of hazardous waste accumulated at the Illatos út facility in Budapest.

“When I have positive news, I will visit the facility in Illatos út. I will try to help”, the Prime Minister said about the environmental pollution in Budapest’s District IX.

Following a statue unveiling ceremony, the Prime Minister was stopped by Ferencváros district councillor Krisztina Baranyi (from the opposition party Együtt), who was holding a banner referring to the environmental problem. The opposition politician asked Mr. Orbán to take steps to solve the grave situation as soon as possible.

During the day the Ministry for Agriculture announced that it will submit to the Government a funding request of HUF 1.18 billion to finance the permanent disposal of hazardous waste accumulated at Illatos út, as well as necessary related tasks.

In its statement the Ministry announced that rapid and effective state intervention is needed in order to eliminate the environmental risks related to the hazardous waste that has accumulated over the years at the Budapest Chemical Works plant.

In addition to this, in order to resolve the situation in a satisfactory manner as soon as possible, the area concerned should come under state supervision. For this reason, the Ministry of Agriculture stated that the Government will analyse how the winding-up procedure could be concluded in the fastest way possible – by amendment of legislation, if necessary.

Earlier, before the City Council’s agenda debate, Mayor of Budapest István Tarlós announced that as Mayor he will consult with the City Council on the issue, and that the City will provide all the support it can to its residents. He said that he has invited Deputy Mayor Balázs Szelenczey and directors of Budapest Public Space Maintenance Zrt. to carry out a site visit.

At the same time he emphasised that the Municipality of Budapest has no legal responsibility or obligations in the case, and therefore it has no independent scope for action.

Due to “the severe risks” caused by the Budapest Chemical Works’ Illatos út plant, the spokesperson for future generations has initiated an investigation on an ex-officio basis with the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, in order to promote a speedy and effective solution by settling disputes over areas of responsibility.

A number of opposition parties have already urged for disposal of the hazardous waste; on Wednesday, parliamentary party Jobbik proposed the establishment of a “green commando unit” of experts, as they stated that the Government has also acknowledged that potentially dangerous areas can be  found not only in Ferencváros, but in other parts of the city as well.

(MTI/Prime Minister's Office)