Prime Minister Viktor Orbán expressed his sympathy to Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu following the terror attack in Ankara on Saturday.

The Prime Minister wrote that he was deeply shocked by the brutal terror attack, which took the lives of almost one hundred innocent people in Ankara.

“Let me express my condolences to you and the people of Turkey in the hours of sorrow. We share the grief of the families of the deceased and we wish a quick recovery to the injured”, Mr. Orbán wrote in his letter.
At the same time, the Prime Minister stated that this horrible tragedy “must not break our commitment to the international cooperation to combat/of combating terrorism. Let me assure you that Turkey can count on Hungary’s support in the fight against terrorism in the future as well.”

On Saturday morning a bomb attack was carried out in the centre of Ankara. A few minutes after ten a.m. two bombs exploded with a few seconds difference in downtown Ankara, where hundreds of people were gathering to join the peace rally organised by the Confederation of Public Sector Trades’ Unions. The aim of the rally would have been to call for ending aggression between Kurdish revolutionaries and Turkish security forces.

The Turkish Minister for Healthcare stated that 86 people lost their lives in the attack, and 186 people were injured.

(Prime Minister's Office)