Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had talks with Vittorio Colao, Chief Executive Officer at Vodafone Group, about digital development, next generation mobile services much anticipated by industry players as well as by consumers, and the introduction of a 5G network, Bertalan Havasi, the Deputy State Secretary heading the Press Office of the Prime Minister informed the Hungarian news agency MTI.

At the meeting the parties highlighted that the digital economy is one of the keys to Hungary’s development as this area has accounted for nearly one quarter of Hungary’s economic growth in the past few years.

DownloadPhoto: Balázs Szecsődi

This sector is of strategic importance already at present which is also proved by the fact that between 2014 and 2021 the government will spend a record amount, some HUF 130 billion, on the development of telecommunications, the parties established.

According to reports, Vittorio Colao pointed out that in Hungary Vodafone is one of the most important British investors. To date the company has invested hundreds of billions of forints in mobile service developments in Hungary, employs 2,600 people at its head office in the capital as well as at its international services centre in Budapest, and another 600 people at its customer services unit in Miskolc.

The chief executive believes it clearly testifies to the company group’s commitment to Hungary that Vodafone is taking an active part in the implementation of the local Digital Welfare Programme, and via the Vodafone Foundation it is a dedicated supporter of the development of digital education in Hungary.

The meeting held on Monday in the Parliament Building was attended by Minister of Innovation and Technology László Palkovics, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Levente Magyar, Vodafone Hungary’s chief executive officer Amanda Nelson and deputy CEO Gergő J. Budai, the press chief said.