On Friday the Government Information Centre informed the Hungarian news agency MTI that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had sent written greetings to popular music entertainer György Korda on his 80th birthday.

The press release quoted the following passage from the letter: “There are songs which for us evoke an entire era. And there are performers who possess the ability to command the attention and devotion of their audience down the decades. This requires more than melodies which induce a warm sense of nostalgia; it also requires a performing artist with inexhaustible energy and a buoyant personality.”

In his letter Mr. Orbán highlighted Mr. Korda’s decades of work in music, the efforts he has made to popularise the game of poker, and “the very many evergreen hits” he has given Hungarian music lovers.

The Prime Minister also mentioned the sixtieth anniversary of the launch of Mr. Korda’s career in music, wishing him good health for the future and “many more years filled with playing cards and singing”.

Zsolt Nyitrai, prime ministerial commissioner for priority social affairs, presented the Prime Minister’s best wishes to the singer on the latter’s birthday.