Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will attend the gala evening organised to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the interest representation organisation of the Hungarian community in Muravidék (Prekmurje) to be held on Friday in Lendva in the company of Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar, Bertalan Havas, Deputy State Secretary heading the Prime Minister’s Press Office informed the Hungarian News Agency MTI.

Mr Orbán will have talks with the leaders of the Hungarian National Autonomous Community of Muravidék in the town in Slovenia, and both Prime Ministers will deliver speeches at the ceremony to be held in the Lendva Theatre. Following this, Viktor Orbán and Miro Cerar will have talks as part of a working dinner, the press chief added.

The Hungarian National Autonomous Community of Muravidék is the supreme organisation of the Hungarian community in Muravidék in Slovenia. It was established in 1975. The organisation, which is comprised of the local Hungarian national self-governments, acts as the negotiating partner of the Slovenian state agencies in the interest of the enforcement of the rights of the Hungarian community, the organisation’s website reads.

(Prime Minister's Office)