On Thursday Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will travel to Prague, where he will attend a summit of the Visegrád countries (V4) and the Western Balkan states.

Bertalan Havasi, the Deputy State Secretary heading the Press Office of the Prime Minister, has said that the of Czech prime minister Andrej Babiš has invited the V4 prime ministers to a meeting in Prague Castle, followed by a working lunch, during which they will have talks with the leaders of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia.
The Czech government has stated that the purpose of the event is to strengthen cooperation between the Visegrád countries and the Western Balkan region.
The agenda for the meeting will feature current European issues such as the composition of the new European Commission, the multiannual financial framework for the period after 2020, and topics related to infrastructure, human resources, education, financial stability and climate change.
At the end of the event a joint press conference will be held by Czech prime minister Andrej Babiš, Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Slovak prime minister Peter Pellegrini and Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán.