Prime Minister Viktor Orbán urged the closure of borders in his interview given to the Austrian public service television (ORF) on Friday.

The Prime Minister took the view that the borders of Europe should be closed, and at the same time, Germany and Austria should state clearly that they are not accepting any more refugees.

Mr Orbán told the news programme Zeit im Bild: he is concerned that “millions” of asylum-seekers will otherwise come to Europe.

According to regulations, it is forbidden to cross the EU borders without valid documents; in spite of this, Austria allowed migrants – most of whom are economic migrants – to enter its territory without hindrance, Mr Orbán stressed. Hungary has the financial and policing resources to cater for every asylum-seeker, and to provide them with accommodation.

The problem is not here, on our part, the Prime Minister said, and pointed out: migrants do not want to find shelter here but want to become refugees in Germany.