In an interview given to the German newspaper Bild, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán welcomed the German government’s decision, announced on Sunday evening, regarding the temporary reinstatement of border controls.

According to the interview published in the online edition of Bild, the Prime Minister said that “we have the utmost sympathy with Germany's decision, and we declare our solidarity”.

He added that “we understand that the decision was needed in order to protect (…) the values of Germany and of Europe. Naturally, we are ready to cooperate in every way possible”.

According to the report, the Prime Minister expressed his conviction that the temporary reinstatement of border controls in Germany “is only the first step” as “in Greece, too, the borders of Europe must be protected as soon as possible”, with the united effort of every EU Member State and institution. Hungary had already made this clear at the last meeting of EU interior ministers, Bild reported.

(Prime Minister's Office, MTI)