Following the V4 summit in Prague on Wednesday afternoon, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told a press conference that on Tuesday the Hungarian parliament had made a very important decision by the approving the constitutional amendment and the counter-terrorism legislation.

The Prime Minister pointed out that “it can be regarded as one of those rare moments in the modern history of Hungarian parliamentarism, since one part of the opposition also voted for the measures” […] Events like these are like miracles”, he added.

According to Mr. Orbán, as a result of the constitutional amendment and the approval of the counter-terrorism regulation, “Hungarian authorities have been granted the rights with which they can successfully combat terrorist acts and threats”.

“This is a huge moment for Hungary, because I believe that from yesterday the Government has a much greater chance of guaranteeing the safety of the country’s citizens than earlier”, Mr. Orbán said. The Government “has thereby been given all means from the Hungarian parliament to protect its citizens – which is considered normal elsewhere in Europe”, Mr. Orbán added.