On Friday, talking on the Kossuth Radio programme “180 Minutes” about the latest decisions of the European Commission, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that the days of the present Commission are numbered, as its mandate will expire next May.

The Prime Minister commented on the infringement procedure instituted against Hungary, and the Commission's proposal to give receiving countries EUR 6,000 per migrant. He said that he sees no significance in the Commission's latest decisions, as any initiatives taken now have already “run out of time”.

According to Mr. Orbán, a method must be found "for somehow manoeuvring and struggling through" until next May.

He said that what the EU spends people's money on is a matter of principle, and that giving people's money to migrants is a dangerous idea.

He stressed the need for a future European Commission which does not penalise countries which defend their borders.

The Prime Minister described Hungary as one of the world's most politically stable countries.

He pointed out that there is not a single country where a government has been able to win three consecutive majorities of two-thirds. Speaking about the "busy diplomatic schedule" of the past few weeks, during which he met a number of national leaders, he said that the advantages of political stability can be reaped, and it can be made clear to the world that the Hungarian government's policies are reliable.

He described the past few weeks as successful, and said that this makes the country stronger and also has a positive impact on the economy. He said that investors can also see for themselves that their businesses do not face political risks here.

Regarding next year's budget, he pointed out that the purchasing power of pensions will be maintained for as long as the country has a Christian democratic government. He highlighted that little by little they had almost completely given back the elderly the amount which former socialist governments had taken away from them.

Mr. Orbán described as stable the Hungarian economy and the model which the Cabinet created after 2010. He indicated, however, that "dark clouds" have emerged in the world economy, although no one actually says that there is a crisis coming. He said that therefore next year's budget is optimistic, but it is also a budget which will defend the country with an increased reserve against any negative changes that may take place in the world economy.

In answer to another question he said that, after the departure of the United States, Australia and Hungary, he expects to see further countries leave the United Nations migration talks. He noted that the UN countries from which people emigrate are in the majority, and therefore the interests of those in favour of this process are being enforced.

While the UN's decisions have no direct impact on people's lives, governments cannot entirely ignore them, he said, and on the issue of migration no one should make irresponsible statements or create documents which run counter to the interests of some members.

In his view, member states are beginning to realise that the organisation is about to adopt a document which may be a yardstick for the regulation of global mass migration, and while it will be difficult to enforce it legally, he described it as an instrument of "soft power", which will influence public thinking. Underlining in his view that others will also leave the negotiations, he said that “Not everyone’s alarm clock is set at the same time".

He was asked about the movement being organised by US president Donald Trump's former advisor Steve Bannon, whose goal is to counter the activities of George Soros and the organisations sponsored by him. Mr. Orbán said that he hopes for the success of the popularisation of American conservative ideals, because so far only liberal notions have been audible.

He added that he does not remember a single year in the past thirty in which the United States has not intervened in Hungarian affairs. Most often such interference in other countries’ internal affairs is through foundations. He described this activity as a feature of the modern world, against which it is hard to mount a defence.

He said that Hungary is defending itself by requiring transparency. The Prime Minister said that Soros foundations finance sixty-seven "fake civil society organisations", and in his view Hungarian voters must know who George Soros – or Brussels, for that matter – is financing to interfere in Hungary’s internal affairs.

The Prime Minister also mentioned that on Saturday morning he will deliver a speech at the Tusnádfürdő Summer Open University, and on Monday he will start his vacation. Recalling the past year's events, he said: "I am running low on energy, and it is time to recharge my batteries". He concluded by saying that work will resume at the end of August and the beginning of September.