“The guiding star of Hungarian foreign policy is the Hungarian interest”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in reply to a question from the audience in Tusnádfürdő on Saturday at the Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp.

In reply to the question “Putin or Trump”, the Prime Minister declared: “I’m not a fan of the kind of policy which picks someone and joins them “.

“With each and every country that is important in terms of our existence we must develop relations which will give them an interest in our success”, he explained. Today, both Russia and the United States have an interest in Hungary’s success, as do China, Israel and Turkey, he listed.

“For seven years I’ve been working to build a foreign policy based on our national interests, rather than on the mentality and logic of a reluctant ally. We’re doing well, but there’s one piece of the puzzle that’s not yet in the place: it’s called Brussels. This is a task to be solved after the next election. It’s not impossible, I can see opportunities”, Mr. Orbán emphasised.

In reply to a question on autonomy, the Prime Minister declared: “The Government supports autonomy. I’d now like to make my personal position clear. I support autonomy. For want of a better alternative”. In reaction to a question concerning the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ), he said: “We can think long and hard about philosophical precepts, political principles and ideals, we can think long and hard about the right strategy and political tactics. But there’s one thing that we don’t need to spend time thinking about – and that is who the people vote for”.

Mr. Orbán said he doesn’t share the negativity which is prevalent in Brussels today, and that sees the United Kingdom as an enemy adding. “Many people think that we must now prove that a country can only be worse off outside the European Union than inside it. I believe that this idea is complete nonsense. It is for every nation itself to decide how it can best serve its own interests: inside or outside”. “The United Kingdom will still be our friend Even when it’s no longer a member of the European Union”, he declared.

In reply to a question on whether the social and economic measures introduced in Hungary can be extended to Hungarians living beyond the borders, the Prime Minister said “Yes”, adding that this is “just a question of timing”. “The ice was broken when extended our family support system to embrace a national dimension”, he declared, adding that “We must proceed step by step, and this is also true with regard to the CSOK family home creation scheme”.

With relation to the scheme, Mr. Orbán said he was “not fully satisfied” because “it doesn’t quite work for those living in villages in Hungary”, adding that “We must introduce a housing support programme that serves to sustain village populations, and then after the experience gained from that programme we can consider extension of the system across the Carpathian Basin”.

In reply to another question, the Prime Minister told the audience: “The Poles have done nothing, they have not implemented any changes in their judicial system that fall outside the principles and ideals approved and shared by the European Union”. “The action Brussels is taking against the Poles is unfair and unjust: a typical manifestation of double standards”, he said, confirming that Hungary stands in solidarity with Poland.

In answer to a question on “why Hungary isn’t tougher with the representatives of the Soros Empire in Hungary”, Mr. Orbán said: “We still can be”, but added that “in European politics there are limits to the measures that one can use in political battles, and we’ve never violated those limits”, unlike our opponents.

According to the Prime Minister: “The red line was crossed when this Soros Empire ventured into the territory of national security. George Soros began using his money, people and institutions to transport migrants into Europe and announced his programme in the interests of achieving this”. “This is contrary to the Hungarian people’s security, to Hungary’s short-, medium- and long-term interests, and it undermines the national security of the Hungarian people and Hungary. This is unforgiveable”, Mr. Orbán said, adding that “This is not about George Soros, but about our security: about the security of every Hungarian, a life safe from terrorism, and the preservation of our cultural identity”.

“The laws on national security must be observed by everyone – including the person whose name is George Soros”, the Prime Minister said.

A single protestor attempted to interrupt the Prime Minister’s replies to questions for a short time.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)