The Prime Minister continues to regard the 2 October referendum on the compulsory migrant relocation quota as a national issue and not a party political issue, and accordingly he is not taking part in party political debates, but instead expects political groupings which have a responsible attitude to encourage people to vote.

Mr. Orbán’s standpoint was explained to Hungarian news agency MTI on Friday by the Prime Minister’s press chief Bertalan Havasi, in reaction to Jobbik party leader Gábor Vona’s proposal that there a should be a three-way public debate between himself, the Prime Minister and President of Fidesz, and Gyula Molnár – the leader of the socialist party (MSZP) .

Mr. Havasi said: “The 2 October referendum is a national issue, and accordingly it is the Prime Minister’s belief that we should not hold party political debates on it, but instead political groupings which have a responsible attitude should encourage their supporters to vote in the referendum, which will determine the shared future of each and every one of us”.

On 10 May Parliament voted to hold a referendum on the compulsory relocation quota, with the referendum date being subsequently set for 2 October by President of the Republic János Áder. At the referendum the question being put to citizens is: “Do you agree that the European Union should have the power to impose the compulsory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary without the consent of the National Assembly of Hungary?”

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)