Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili and President of Bank of China Chen Siqing have also congratulated Viktor Orbán on his victory at the parliamentary elections on Sunday, the Prime Minister’s Press Chief, said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI.

In his letter of congratulation, Vladimir Putin wrote: Russian-Hungarian cooperation has significant potential. The Russian President expressed his firm belief that the development of constructive bilateral relations corresponds to the interests of both countries and all of Europe, Bertalan Havasi told the press.

In his congratulatory letter, Giorgi Kvirikashvili said: The relations and friendship between the two countries, which are based on mutual respect and understanding, are becoming increasingly strong in all fields.

The President of Bank of China wrote that he was happy to hear that Viktor Orbán had achieved victory once again. “In recent years, under you leadership the Hungarian Government has achieved outstanding results through efficient governance. At the same time, Chinese-Hungarian relations have undergone an unparalleled development”, Mr. Chen Siqing stated.