According to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the goal of the report on the state of the rule of law in Hungary accepted by the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) on Monday is aimed at applying pressure on Hungary.

The Prime Minister issued a statement to reporters in Budapest following the vote. “They want to apply pressure to Hungary so that it changes its standpoint with relation to migration”, he declared.

“But in view of the fact that Hungarian voters have already decided on this issue, there is nothing more to talk about”, he added.

The Prime Minister called the so-called Sargentini report a Soros report, adding that Green Party rapporteur Judith Sargentini, who prepared the report, is one of George Soros’s people.

On Monday, the EU body voted with a large majority to accept the special report, according to which there is a danger of the gross and systematic violation of EU values in Hungary, and accordingly the launching of Article 7 proceedings is justified.

56 MEPs took part in the vote, of which 37 voted to accept the draft report, which has been modified on numerous occasions, with 19 votes against and no abstentions.

The individual amendment proposal put forward by Fidesz-KDNP politicians was rejected by the Committee with a large majority.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)