Addressing the eleventh national congress of the Alliance of Christian Intellectuals (KÉSZ) in the Hungarian Parliament on Saturday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán argued for the need to oppose the “Soros Plan”, which would transform Central European countries into “immigrant countries”: states with mixed populations and cultures.

The Prime Minister said that, while the ideology of immigrant countries is liberalism, the ideology of others which are not immigrant countries is based on sovereignty and Christian social teaching. He added that for Central Europeans to adopt Western European liberalism “would simply mean spiritual suicide” and eventually “in the not too distant future [...] we, too, would become an immigrant country with a mixed culture”. There would be terrorism, there would be no border protection, and demographic decline would be addressed with “population import” rather than support for families, he said.

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“Today the programme aimed at creating immigrant countries is commonly referred to as the ‘Soros Plan’: an action plan that describes, step by step, the means and the method for converting obstinate non-immigrant Central European countries into immigrant countries”, the Prime Minister said.

According to Mr. Orbán, however, “there must be no gaps in our defences”, which must be maintained until the next election, and the Government stands ready to defend the future of Christian Hungary.

“Everyone – including in Brussels – must be made aware that we shall not become an immigrant country”, he declared.

The Prime Minister stated that in European politics today it is still a taboo to talk about the internal tensions between immigrant countries and non-immigrant countries, and the historic challenge for European leaders is to create a way for these two groups of countries to coexist, noting that “If this fails, then the tension could cause a fracture in the European continent’s political history which is far greater than at present, and which could even be catastrophic in effect”.

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Hungary’s stance, he continued, is that the foreign policy of immigrant countries is wrong-headed: they have lost control over their borders, and, by placing themselves at the mercy of modern-day mass population movement, they have committed themselves to a completely new path of development.

He also noted that in the West the human rights of illegal immigrants are given priority over the will of European citizens who do not want illegal immigrants to be allowed into their countries.

Mr. Orbán said that today the greatest threat to European values comes from immigrant countries, because freedom of religion, equality between the sexes and measures combatting anti-Semitism are all at risk, while under no circumstances will those who flood into Western Europe “see the people of the Old Testament as their allies”.

In contrast to all this, he said, “we abide by the ancient law [...which] states that a country without a border is like an egg without a shell”. He remarked that Hungary shall not forget that when it was building its border fence, the Germans, the Austrians and the Western media “passed judgement on us with morally imperialistic, presumptuous arrogance”, and launched a worldwide smear campaign against the country which was “a centrally commissioned, centrally directed and centrally orchestrated offensive”.

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We want “a Hungarian Hungary and a European Europe”

Mr. Orbán stressed that the Government wants “a Hungarian Hungary and a European Europe”, which is only possible if “we also commit to the desire for a Christian Hungary in a Christian Europe”, because that alone can have a future.

With reference to mass population movement, he once again expressed the view that assistance should be taken to crisis-stricken countries, to the geographical location of the problems afflicting them, rather than relocating them here to Europe, because “by doing that we will saddle ourselves with the problems”.

He noted that, for example, large European countries participated in the bombing of Libya, which had previously held back the mass migration wave. Syria has also been ruined by Western intervention, he said.

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In relation to parties inspired by Christianity, the Prime Minister explained that the task of Christian politics is not Christianity itself, but protecting the concepts which spring from it – such as human dignity, family, nation and churches. In his opinion, this makes it possible for Christian democratic parties to win more votes than the number of practising Christians in a given society.

The Prime Minister said that it is a thousand-year-old law that Hungary cannot exist without human dignity, healthy families, strong national ties and solid beliefs, and he declared that “the Government is convinced that what is good for Hungarian Christians is also good for Hungary”.

Speaking of Christian intellectuals, Mr. Orbán said: “We are the people, the members of Hungarian society, who perceive ourselves as that which God created us to be [...] We are not interested in ways of opposing the will of the Creator”. On the contrary, he said, “we examine and search for the exact essence and mission of our duty”.

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Praising the Federation of Christian Intellectuals, he highlighted that it was in the civic circles which originated from the sphere of the Christian intelligentsia that “the country learnt its lesson in the subject known as ‘How to conquer the returning post-communists’”, adding that joint nationwide tours had laid the foundations for the current situation, in which support in society for the Christian, national, civic right has proved to be much more solid than that of its rivals.

He recalled the conference held in 2015 entitled “Signs of the Times”, which in the future he hopes could perhaps be remembered as the one “that cleared our path to another victory in 2018: the third in a triple victory”.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)