In 2008, the socialist government did not take the agreement on the South Stream investment to the National Assembly, the members were not allowed to know its content, to negotiate or decide on it – Press Chief of the Prime Minister’s Office said.

MTI has contacted the Press Chief, because a number of media outlets have recited Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s 2008 speech, in which he condemned the “secrecy” around energy-related issues.

Mr Havasi recalled that as opposed to the socialist government’s proceedings back then, two legislations concerning the Paks investment have been put forward to the National Assembly: the general inter-governmental agreement before the 2014 parliamentary elections, and after the elections, all members of the Parliament had the chance to participate in the debate concerning the document outlining the financial background of the development; they could freely formulate their opinions and make their decisions on the matter.

The transparency of the Paks investment complies with the international and European norms – the Press Chief added.

(Prime Minister's Office, MTI)