“The essence of Hungarian-American relations is that there is an alliance between the two countries in politics, a partnership with regard to the economy and respect within intellectual and cultural life”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at an event held in Budapest to mark the 25th anniversary of the presence of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) and General Electric (GE) in Hungary.

According to the Prime Minister, the 25th anniversary of AmCham in Hungary shows that the two countries are good economic partners. “There may be disputes between the governments of Hungary and the United States, but we are in fact talking about two allies”, the Prime Minister underlined.

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There is friendship between the people of Hungary and America, which is not based on political declaration; its foundations are provided, amongst others, by Hungarian geniuses such as Leó Szilárd, János Neumann, Albert Szent-Györgyi or Tódor Kármán, “who left their mark on American political, economic, scientific and cultural life, and of whom both nations can be rightly proud”, Viktor Orbán emphasised in his speech.

The Prime Minister stressed that the fact that the United States created a unique democracy and has successfully maintained it for centuries is a sign of the country’s exceptional nature.
“The substantial comparisons between Hungary and the United States are obvious: both nations believe that a strong community can only be established by individuals who live in freedom and are free to do business”, he pointed out.

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In closing, Viktor Orbán declared that Europeans would like respect for international laws, peace, cooperation and the economic prosperity that goes with them. One of the fundamental pillars of Europe’s future success is the transatlantic alliance; “the brotherhood in arms” between the United States and Europe, the Prime Minister said.

President of AmCham Vilmos Benkő and President-CEO of GE Europe Ferdinando Beccalli-Falco also gave speeches at the event.

The Prime Minister's speech is available in English here.

(Prime Minister's Office)