Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has held telephone talks with Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić on the migration crisis on the Serbian-Macedonian border, Press Chief of the Prime Minister’s Office Bertalan Havasi informed kormá

Mr. Havasi said that Aleksandar Vučić informed Viktor Orbán that Serbia is fulfilling its duties in registering migrants, despite the fact that – as the Serbian Prime Minister put it – Macedonia is not enforcing any border control measures.

The Hungarian prime minister told his Serbian counterpart that from 15 September there will be a new legal environment, as Parliament will adopt new border control regulations resulting in more police and soldiers being sent to Hungary’s southern border.

These measures will contribute to migrants and human traffickers finding new routes bypassing Hungary, and thus states in the region will have to prepare for this situation, Mr. Havasi said in his account of the telephone conversation.

(Prime Minister's Office)