In Parliament on Friday Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and President of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians István Pásztor continued their consultations on the economic, cultural and social development of Vojvodina’s Hungarian community.

The Press Chief of the Prime Minister Bertalan Havasi said that expert level consultations on opportunities, such as the improvement of market access opportunities for Hungarian businesses in Vojvodina, will take place by the end of May.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár

During the talks there was discussion of the establishment of the Vojvodina land fund, which is aimed at helping Hungarian farmers.

The Press Chief of the Prime Minister added that Mr. Pásztor will soon submit to Mr. Orbán a proposal on the development of sport in Vojvodina. The main objective is to support sport in Vojvodina more intensively, so that more young people can participate actively in local sport.

(Prime Minister's Office)