Head of the Prime Minister’s Press Office Bertalan Havasi told kormany.hu on Friday that “On the Jewish New Year, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has sent his written greetings to Hungary’s Jewish community”.

The Prime Minister wrote that “The key to the future of every community is that its members should be committed to preserving the traditions and values of their predecessors, and this is why every day of celebration reinforces solidarity”. The letter was sent to President of the Hungarian Autonomous Orthodox Jewish Community Eduárd Deblinger, President of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary András Heisler, Chief Rabbi of the Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation Slomó Köves and President of the Public Foundation for Hungarian Jewish Heritage György Szabó.

The Jewish New Year – Rosh Hashanah in Hebrew – begins at sunset on Sunday and will be the beginning of Hebrew Year 5777.

(Press Office of the Prime Minister)