Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will give a speech at the right-wing Atreju event in Rome on Sunday at the invitation of the leader of the Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy, FdI) party Giorgia Meloni.

According to the Prime Minister’s press chief, Bertalan Havasi, Mr. Orbán has been asked to hold a lecture on the topic ‘The Europe of People and Nations’, which will be followed by questions from the audience.

The Chairman of Fidesz will also be holding separate talks with the FdI leader while in Rome, Mr. Bertalan stated.

Atreju was established in 1998 as a nationwide political and cultural meeting of the, since disbanded, youth organisation of the Fratelli d’Italia party, and has been held every year since then in a different district of Rome.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)