On Thursday, in the Carmelite Monastery in Budapest, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki had talks about the responsibility borne by Central European countries for the continent’s future, the process of the selection of the EU’s new top officials, and the programme of the upcoming Czech V4 presidency, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief informed the Hungarian news agency MTI

At the informal meeting the prime ministers agreed that the V4 cooperation is playing a determining role in the shaping of Europe’s future. The leaders of the Visegrád countries are aware of their responsibility in that capacity, and are therefore actively participating in debates related to the European Union, including issues regarding the leaders of the EU.

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Mr Havasi added that at the Thursday meeting the parties agreed that the V4 countries would take a common stance at next week’s EU summit both on issues regarding leadership candidates and issues concerning content.

The Visegrád countries are supporting candidates for the senior offices of the European Union who have extensive experience and adequate qualifications, and who respect the peoples of Central Europe and the V4 cooperation. The new leaders are therefore expected to always take Central European considerations and interests into account upon the adoption of common European decisions, the head of the Press Office of the Prime Minister highlighted relating the proceedings of the informal V4 summit held on Thursday.

Mr Havasi added that Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis also informed his counterparts about the main points of the programme of the Czech V4 presidency that will start on 1 July.