At a joint press conference with his Polish counterpart Beata Szydło in Warsaw on Friday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that “We accept the decision of immigrant countries to become immigrant countries. We ask them to accept that we do not want to become one”.

At the press conference, Prime Minister Szydło said that at her meeting with Viktor Orbán the two leaders had confirmed the joint standpoint of Warsaw and Budapest on such key issues as security and addressing the migration crisis.

“The path that our governments have chosen to deal with illegal immigration has proven to be correct”, she declared. With relation to the recent ruling of the European Court of Justice on the migrant quota case, she said: “We acknowledge the decisions of Europe’s courts, but the main criterion must continue to be our citizens’ security”.

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Prime Minister Szydło confirmed that both Warsaw and Budapest support the European Union’s measures “to help countries that are affected by the greatest level of migration pressure, and which are aimed at combatting the causes of migration”.

“We are counting on compromise solutions that take into account the interests of our region’s enterprises”, she underlined, highlighting the importance of “special solutions” for road freight companies.

“Our region’s road freight companies must not fall victim to the changes being introduced”, she declared.

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According to the Polish prime minister, Hungary and Poland share the same standpoint on Brexit, the 2020–2026 EU budget and the EU’s single market.

With relation to Hungary’s current presidency of the Visegrád Group (V4), Prime Minister Szydło expressed her thanks for the presidency being “intensive and good”, adding that the success of the Hungarian presidency will be “a success for us all”.

The V4 configuration is “extremely important to us, and will remain the stage for the closest possible cooperation”, she stressed.

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During his official visit to Poland, Viktor Orbán will meet the Chairman of the governing Law and Justice Party (PIS) Jarosław Kaczyński and speaker of the lower house Marek Kuchciński, after which he will also be meeting Marshal of the Senate Stanisław Karczewski. The Prime Minister’s visit will end with a meeting with President of Poland Andrzej Duda.

(MTI /