In a speech on the closing day of the 28th Bálványos Summer Open University and Student Camp in Tusnádfürdő, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that Europe also has a stake in next year’s Hungarian general election, because the result will determine whether the Soros plan can be implemented and the border fence can be dismantled.

The Prime Minister encouraged the audience at the festival’s main stage to not only cheer on their team from the sidelines, but to register for the election and to vote. He said that a strong motherland is the most important precondition for the survival of Hungarian communities beyond Hungary’s borders, and for this reason also it is important that parties weakening the motherland do not come to power.

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Mr. Orbán said that the most important development over the past twelve months has been strengthening cooperation between the member countries of the Visegrád Four (V4). He said that Warsaw, Prague, Bratislava and Budapest are speaking with one voice. This is something of great value, he observed, as “the enthusiastic Poles, the ever cautious Czechs, the sober Slovaks and the romantic Hungarians” are able to speak the same language.

As an illustration of the extent of change over the past year, he noted that while former US president Barack Obama’s first major speech on foreign soil was in Cairo in 2009, Donald Trump’s first important speech abroad was in Warsaw, where he enjoined his audience to “all fight like the Poles – for family, for freedom, for country, and for God”.

Trump’s emergence, he added, has made visible the struggle between the supranational – or “global” – elite and patriotic national leaders. In this struggle, Mr. Orbán said, Hungary is on the right side: that of the patriots.

Strengthening the nation and the country

The sole purpose of patriotic governance must be to strengthen the nation and the country, he stated, and he went on to list a number of characteristics of a strong nation.

Among those he mentioned were economic growth, lower levels of debt, strategic sectors with majority national ownership, and the opportunity of employment for everyone who wants to work. He said that Hungary has already spent some one thousand billion forints on regaining interests in strategic companies which had previously been foolishly privatised. In relation to employment, he observed that while in 2010 3.6 million people were in work and only 1.8 million were paying taxes, today 4.4 million people are in employment and all of them are paying taxes.

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He stressed that a strong country cannot be in demographic decline, as only those countries which are biologically capable of sustaining themselves will survive. For Hungary to become such a country, the statistical average number of children per family should be 2.1.

The state can only work toward this by creating a family-friendly environment, he explained. The money Hungary is spending on family support is being taken from multinational companies in the form of a number of taxes, he pointed out. He went on to enumerate the amounts the Government collects annually in the form of these special taxes: HUF 272 billion from the banking sector; HUF 31 billion from insurance corporations; HUF 120 billion from the energy sector; and HUF 55 billion from the telecommunications industry. “We take part of their large profits to give it to those who work and raise children, thereby providing for the future of the nation”, he explained.

A further characteristic of a strong state mentioned by Mr. Orbán is public security, which includes defence of the borders and prevention of terrorist attacks. He noted that it is equally important to preserve cultural identity and to organise the future Hungarian nation into a single community.

Hungary, Mr. Orbán said, can only be strong if “whenever in any part of the world a Hungarian has their toes trodden on simply because they are Hungarian, a red light flashes in Budapest”.

Another prerequisite of a modern state, he said, is that it should be able to host great world events; and Budapest is currently proving to itself and to the world that there is no event – apart from a football world cup – that it cannot host.

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The Prime Minister said that he believes in the need for a shift in scale and dramatic progress on the issues of demography, organisation of the nation – with an increase in the economic strength of the Hungarian community in the Carpathian Basin – and the use of modern technologies in the economy.

Will Europe remain the Europeans’ continent?

Speaking about the future of Europe, the Prime Minister said that over the next few decades the main question will be whether Europe can remain the Europeans’ continent – and, within this, whether Hungary will remain the Hungarians’ country.

Outlining the findings of an international survey commissioned by the Hungarian government, he said that 64 per cent of EU citizens think that immigration leads to increased crime rates, and that 79 per cent believe that immigration changes their culture. Eighty-one per cent of Europeans regard immigration as a serious issue, with 36 per cent expecting the European Union to solve this problem and 51 per cent seeing this as a task for the nation states. Twenty-five per cent of Hungarians would give Brussels more power, but 61 per cent think that some of the powers already transferred to Brussels should be taken back by the nation.

Migration is not the answer to economic problems

According to the Prime Minister, migration is not the answer to economic problems. Attempting to solve labour shortages through immigration is like a castaway drinking sea water, he said: “It’s also water, but it only adds to the problem”. He stressed that immigrants’ cultures contrast sharply with European culture; he cited the example of European culture’s aim for equality between men and women, as opposed to the subordinate position of women in Islamic culture.

The Prime Minister added that Muslim communities see their own culture as being stronger than Christian culture, and a stronger culture will never adopt the customs of weaker one. Therefore re-education and integration based on re-education can never be successful, Mr. Orbán said.

“We can never demonstrate solidarity with ideologies, people and ethnic groups which set out to change European culture […] We must not demonstrate solidarity with groups and ideologies that run counter to the goals of European existence and culture, because that can only lead to ruination”, Mr. Orbán stated.

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Sending a message to German politicians who accuse Hungary of lacking solidarity, the Prime Minister pointed out that Hungary has spent more than 260 billion forints of its own money protecting itself and the rest of Europe against the migrant invasion. “The EU should not speak of solidarity until they’ve paid the 250 billion forints of this that they owe us for defending Europe”, he declared.

He observed that in Brussels an alliance between the Brussels bureaucracy’s elite and the empire of George Soros has been forged, in opposition to the will of the European people.

He added that there is a Soros plan which comprises four points: every year one million migrants should be brought into Europe; every one of them should be given a sum in euros equivalent to HUF 4.5 million; immigrants should be distributed among EU countries; and a European immigration agency should be set up, which would deprive nation states of their decision-making powers on issues related to migrants.

The EU must regain its sovereignty from the empire of George Soros

The Prime Minister said that for Europe to survive and remain the Europeans’ continent, it must regain its sovereignty from the empire of George Soros, and must then reform the EU.

Mr. Orbán went on to outline the nature of this reform: “The reform of Europe cannot only begin by stopping migrants, putting an end to immigration, and everyone using national competence to defend their borders. Once this has been done, as part of a joint programme, the migrants who have arrived in Europe illegally must be transported back to somewhere outside the territory of the European Union.”

Mr. Orbán argued for Serbia’s soonest possible accession to the EU, and stressed that historic agreements must also be concluded with Turkey and Russia.

The fence will remain in place

Mr. Orbán stated that Christian democratic parties in Europe “have become un-Christian”, simply satisfying the expectations of the liberal media and intelligentsia; he added that left-wing politics has also lost ground.

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“Europe is currently being prepared for its territory to be handed over to a new, mixed, Islamised Europe”, the Prime Minister stated. In order to make the continent “ready for transfer”, he said, Europe is currently being de-Christianised, group identities are taking priority over national identities, and efforts are being made to replace political governance with the rule of bureaucracy.

This is why the general election in Hungary next year could be a special one, he noted, as Hungary was the country which – with the aid of the V4 – stopped the migrant invasion that was flooding Europe.

Mr. Orbán stated that for as long as he is Prime Minister of Hungary, the border fence will remain and will protect the borders. He pointed out that the Hungarian opposition, however, is openly stating that if they come to power they will dismantle the fence, will agree to the admission and mandatory relocation of migrants, and will be ready to consign Europe to a new future with a mixed population.

Another matter at stake in the election, he said, is the power ceded to Brussels: the opposition would give Brussels more power, while the governing Fidesz-KDNP alliance seeks to repatriate “powers which have been stealthily and illegally swindled from us”. Brussels bureaucrats and George Soros also have a vested interest in weakening Central Europe, he stated, as they see it as an obstacle to implementation of the Soros plan. There are forces in Europe which want a new government installed in Hungary, he noted, because thus they would be able to weaken the V4.

We are the future of Europe

Mr. Orbán went on to point out that not since the Treaty of Trianon has Hungary been this close to regaining its strength and prosperity. But if once again it gets a government which serves global interests, the Hungarian people may lose this historic opportunity, and not see it again for decades.

At the beginning of his speech the Prime Minister had observed that 27 years ago everyone thought it obvious that Hungarians should assimilate and adjust in every respect to a Western world opening up to them, and few people thought that “freedom fighters on this side of the Iron Curtain” could have something to tell the West. Concluding his speech, Mr. Orbán put this into perspective by saying that “Twenty-seven years ago here in Eastern Europe we believed that Europe was our future. Now we feel that we are the future of Europe”.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)