Ministry of Finance

Mihály Varga

Minister of Finance

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National Competitiveness Strategy to be submitted to the Government soon

Ministry of Finance, October 8, 2018 2:39 PM

A national competitiveness strategy with the main points of growth is to be submitted to the Government soon, Minister of Finance Mihály Varga said at the latest meeting of the National Competitiveness Council.

Dynamic economic growth also helps achieve the deficit target

Ministry of Finance, October 8, 2018 1:24 PM

Rising fiscal revenues, driven by solid economic performance, continue to underpin the stability of public finances, help reach social policy objectives as well as the financing of Hungarian and EU development projects. For the year 2018, the Government maintains that the 4 percent economic growth and 2.4 percent fiscal deficit targets will be met.

Central and Eastern Europe is one of Europe’s most rapidly growing regions

Ministry of Finance, October 3, 2018 4:11 PM

“The economic growth of the Central and Eastern European region is developing much more rapidly that the EU average; the region could remain the engine of European growth in the upcoming years”, Minister of Finance Mihály Varga said at a meeting of EU Finance Ministers in Luxembourg.

The Government is providing 4.5 billion forints (EUR 14 million) in funding for kindergarten development

Ministry of Finance, September 28, 2018 12:39 PM

“One of the most important elements of Government policy is to contribute to the greatest possible extent to improving the living conditions of families, and to the costs and expenses of having and raising children”, Minister of Finance Mihály Varga highlighted at the announcement of the Ministry’s latest kindergarten development tender.

New record in debt financing

Ministry of Finance, September 27, 2018 4:34 PM

Hungary has issued euro bonds with the lowest rate of interest so far.

Hungarian financial institutions are operating in a safe environment

Ministry of Finance, September 19, 2018 10:33 AM

The banking system continues to play a key role in the financing of the Hungarian economy and the bolstering of the country’s competitiveness, Minister of Finance Mihály Varga said after he had met with Intesa Sanpaolo Board of Directors Chairman Gian Maria Gros-Pietro from Italy.

Hungarian-Vietnamese relations in tertiary education growing stronger

Ministry of Finance, September 12, 2018 10:51 AM

Partnership between Hungary and Vietnam has been getting more and more important in the past years. This trend is reflected in regular inter-governmental meetings and the ever stronger relations in trade, education and culture, Minister of Finance Mihály Varga said in his speech addressed to participants of the 2nd Hungarian-Vietnamese Rectors’ Conference.

Hungary supports changes which benefit the country

Ministry of Finance, September 10, 2018 11:14 AM

EU finance ministers discussed, among other topics, the European Commission’s proposals regarding the EU budget of 2021-2027 and the economic impact of digital currencies, Minister of Finance Mihály Varga said. At the informal ECOFIN session in Vienna the plans for the EU-wide taxation of digital enterprises were also discussed, he added.

EU finance ministers discussed options for bolstering eurozone stability

Ministry of Finance, September 10, 2018 10:37 AM

A balanced and stable euro-zone continues to be important for Hungary, Minister of Finance Mihály Varga said, following an ECOFIN meeting in Vienna.

Public finances show fiscal stability

Ministry of Finance, September 7, 2018 1:38 PM

Thanks to the Government’s economic policy measures, fiscal revenues continued to rise in the first eight months of the year while expenditures related to various projects of social purposes have also increased. The ESA deficit target of 2.4 percent of GDP and the GDP growth target of above 4 percent for the year 2018 are realistic and attainable.