Ministry of Finance

Mihály Varga

Minister of Finance

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Hungarian Government is gaining recognition in Brussels

Ministry of Finance, June 5, 2015 11:01 AM

The European Commission also believes that the Hungarian Government is more and more credible, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said at a press conference held jointly with European Commissioner for the Euro and Social Dialogue and EC Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis.

Hungary’s 3.5 percent economic growth in Q1 2015 well above EU average

Ministry of Finance, June 5, 2015 10:14 AM

In Q1 2015, Hungary’s GDP was up by 3.5 percent year-on-year, above prior expectations. Along with net exports, the main driver of growth was domestic consumption. The Hungarian economy performed better than the EU average of some 1.4 percent.

Unemployment in Hungary shows continuous improvement

Ministry of Finance, June 3, 2015 2:23 PM

According to the latest, seasonally adjusted data compiled by the Eurostat, in April 2015 the unemployment rate was 11.1 percent within the Euro-zone (19 countries), 9.7 percent within the EU (28 member states) and 7.3 percent in Hungary. With this figure, Hungarian unemployment rate has been below the EU average for more than two years.

Volume of retail sales on the rise for the 22nd consecutive month

Ministry of Finance, June 3, 2015 1:34 PM

The 22-month upward retail sales trend is a very positive sign from the aspect of the entire economy, Deputy State Secretary Áron Márk Lenner told public news channel M1, commenting on the latest retail data published by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH).

OECD also turning positive on Hungary’s economic outlook

Ministry of Finance, June 3, 2015 11:41 AM

In comparison to the November 2014 forecast, among the Visegrád Four it was Hungary regarding which the OECD has made the largest positive revisions to the estimates of economic indicators. Thus, the OECD has joined international organizations that are increasingly appreciative of the favourable performance of the Hungarian economy and the growth outlook. The Government, the European Commission, the IMF, the OECD, major international economic think-tanks and market analysts have come to share the same opinion on the country’s economic achievements.

Banks that increase lending may reclaim up to 30 percent of bank tax

Ministry of Finance, June 2, 2015 4:47 PM

The Government is to grant tax relief of up to 30% of the bank tax for lenders which have increased the volume of corporate lending since 2009, the onset of the financial crisis, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said at a press conference in Budapest.

Awards for Successful Enterprises presented for the month of May 2015

Ministry of Finance, June 2, 2015 3:54 PM

Three companies have been honoured with the awards established in August 2013 by Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga. The minister stressed he considers predictable regulatory environment – along with the current support model -- a key prerequisite of economic success.

Favourable first quarter foreign trade data published in Hungary

Ministry of Finance, June 1, 2015 4:08 PM

First quarter foreign trade data in Hungary are excellent, as the sector posted a surplus of some EUR 2.5bn in the period January-March 2015, Minister of State for Economic Regulation Béla Glattfelder said, commenting on statistics released earlier this morning by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH).

Government measures strengthen confidence

Ministry of Finance, May 29, 2015 10:07 AM

It is in the interest of every stakeholder of the Hungarian economy to be able to work in a predictable environment, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said at the general meeting of the Hungarian Joint Venture Association.

Next year’s budget is the budget of tax cuts and economic development

Ministry of Finance, May 28, 2015 4:44 PM

The Government’s economic policy has proven to be effective and the 2016 Budget – based on recent achievements -- will be the budget of tax cuts and economic development, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said in the exposé opening the general debate of next year’s budget bill.