Ministry of Defence

Dr. Tibor Benkő

Minister of Defence

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Everyone has a legitimate desire for security

Ministry of Defence, January 17, 2017 10:55 AM

“Each new year is full of new challenges, but our desire for security never changes”, Minister of Defence István Simicskó said on Monday in Budapest at a New Year’s reception for military attachés to Budapest.

Zrínyi 2026 Programme to begin

Ministry of Defence, December 22, 2016 6:17 PM

Defence Minister István Simicskó announced the defence and military forces development programme called Zrínyi 2026.

There will be enough manpower for border protection

Ministry of Defence, December 18, 2016 5:46 PM

According to Minister of Defence István Simicskó, there will be enough manpower for border protection, which is providing a permanent task for the Hungarian Defence Force.

The Hungarian Defence Forces have excellently accomplished the border protection tasks

Ministry of Defence, December 16, 2016 10:23 AM

In Hódmezővásárhely, Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó stated that in cooperation with the police, the Hungarian Defence Forces have excellently accomplished the border protection tasks that presented extraordinary challenge to both organizations.

Relations must be strengthened between the Hungarian Defence Forces and society

Ministry of Defence, November 25, 2016 12:10 PM

On Thursday, 24 November in Budapest, Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó held a conference for government commissioners and the secretaries of defence committees. The participants of the conference discussed several current issues in national defence and cooperation as well as plans for the future.

Chief of Defence continues border inspection tour

Ministry of Defence, November 25, 2016 12:09 PM

On Wednesday, 23 November Chief of Defence Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő continued his visit along the border which started on Monday. In the first days of the week, he stopped at seven sites set up by the Hungarian Defence Forces on the route Hódmezővásárhely–Röszke–Bácsalmás–Mélykút. On Wednesday, he met soldiers patrolling the areas of Madaras, Bácsbokod, Baja and Homorúd as well as the security border barrier among these settlements.

Iraqi Foreign Minister visits Hungary

Ministry of Defence, November 23, 2016 1:59 PM

On Tuesday, 22 November, Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó received, on an office call, Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs Ibrahim Al-Jaafari.

Chief of Defence inspects soldiers on duty along the border

Ministry of Defence, November 23, 2016 1:58 PM

On Monday, 21 November, Chief of Defence Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő paid a visit to the Hungarian–Serbian border to inspect the soldiers on duty there.

Hungarian–Serbian military cooperation must be strengthened

Ministry of Defence, November 21, 2016 3:56 PM

Speaking to Hungarian news agency MTI on Monday, 21 November in Nis, Southern Serbia, Minister of Defence István Simicskó emphasized that the Hungarian–Serbian military cooperation must be strengthened in the interest of the future and the security of both nations.

Serbian–Hungarian defence ministerial meeting in Nis

Ministry of Defence, November 21, 2016 10:58 AM

On Sunday, 20 November in Nis, Southern Serbia, Minister of Defence of Hungary István Simicskó held a bilateral discussion with Serbian Minister of Defence Zoran Djordjević.