Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Péter Szijjártó

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

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Statement regarding the tragic death of Palestinian Minister Ziad Abu Ein

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, December 11, 2014 5:08 PM

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary is deeply saddened by the tragic death of Palestinian Minister Ziad Abu Ein, who died yesterday during a demonstration near Ramallah. We express our condolences to the family of the deceased, to the Palestinian people and the Palestinian leadership.

Visit of Hungarian Gripen fighters in Estonia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, December 11, 2014 4:43 PM

Ämari Air Base welcomed Hungarian ambassador to Helsinki and designated ambassador to Estonia Kristóf Forrai, who attended the visit of the Gripen fighters of the Hungarian Air Force on 10 December, 2014.

Hungary seeks meaningful economic presence in Albania

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, December 11, 2014 4:31 PM

Speaking from Tirana on Wednesday in a telephone interview with Hungarian press agency MTI, Peter Szijjártó said that Hungary is aiming to create a meaningful economic presence for itself in Albania, and to assist the Western Balkan country in its European integration.

Statement regarding the tragic death of Palestinian Minister Ziad Abu Ein

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, December 11, 2014 3:33 PM

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary is deeply saddened by the tragic death of Palestinian Minister Ziad Abu Ein, who died yesterday during a demonstration near Ramallah. We express our condolences to the family of the deceased, to the Palestinian people and the Palestinian leadership.

Deputy State Secretary Kristóf Altusz visited Lithuania

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, December 8, 2014 5:18 PM

Deputy State Secretary Kristóf Altusz paid a visit to Lithuania on 8-9 December 2014.

Prime Minister Orbán and President Putin discuss prospects for energy cooperation

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, December 8, 2014 4:43 PM

According to Minister Péter Szijjártó, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke over the phone about the prospects of bilateral relations and opportunities of Hungarian-Russian energy cooperation following the cancellation of the South Stream gas pipeline project.

Press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, December 8, 2014 3:16 PM

Following the adoption by the Hungarian National Assembly on 25 November 2014 by an overwhelming majority, on 5 December the ratification of the EU-Georgia, EU-Moldova and EU-Ukraine Association Agreements was signed into law by President of the Republic János Áder.

Péter Szijjártó holds bilateral talks in Basel

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, December 5, 2014 2:12 PM

Péter Szijjártó held bilateral talks on the occasion that the Ministerial Council of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) met on Thursday in Basel, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) informed Hungarian newswire MTI.

International conference on contemporary challenges held in Budapest

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, December 4, 2014 5:00 PM

Speaking in Budapest on Tuesday, the Minister of State for Security Policy and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that in the future the world's societies must deal with a host of crisis situations, and international humanitarian organisations must continue to care for the afflicted.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade summoned US Chargé d'Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, December 3, 2014 2:33 PM

Levente Magyar, Minister of State for Economic Diplomacy summoned André Goodfriend, Chargé d’Affairs of the Embassy of the United States in Budapest at noon.