Ministry of Human Capacities

Miklós Kásler

Minister of Human Capacities

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Protecting European Christian values and traditions is of key importance

Ministry of Human Capacities, May 18, 2017 1:29 PM

Protecting European Christian values and traditions is of key importance; this is not the condemnation of another culture, but “it is our God-given obligation to protect our own”, the Minister of Human Capacities said on the subject of migration on Wednesday in Szentes, at a forum organised within the framework of the National Consultation roadshow.

Hungary needs everyone’s support

Ministry of Human Capacities, May 18, 2017 11:00 AM

“There is a greater need than every before for all of us to stand up in support of Hungary”, the Ministry of Human Capacities’ Parliamentary State secretary said on Wednesday at the Vác stop of the National Consultation roadshow.

Increasing percentage of women pursuing technical studies is the goal

Ministry of Human Capacities, May 16, 2017 7:29 PM

The percentage of women studying in higher education, currently standing at 53 per cent, corresponds to the Western-European average. There is, however, a shortfall in technical studies, and the goal is therefore to increase the percentage of women participating in engineering training programmes, the Minister of State responsible for education at the Ministry of Human Capacities said on Monday in Budapest.

Pensioners receive one month’s extra pension compared to 2010

Ministry of Human Capacities, May 16, 2017 7:25 PM

The Government kept its earlier promises made to pensioners. In actual fact, by far exceeding its promises, there is now more than one month’s worth of extra pension in the pockets of pensioners compared with 2010, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Human Capacities said at his press conference held on Tuesday in Budapest.

The Government is helping the employment of women through training courses

Ministry of Human Capacities, May 16, 2017 5:04 PM

“The Government is helping the employment of women through training courses, and local municipalities have from 19 May until the depletion of the available budget or 21 May 2018 at the latest to submit their applications to participate in the programme”, The Ministry of Human Capacities’ Minister of State for Family, Youth and International Affairs said on Monday at the opening ceremony of GE Hungary’s fourth Working Parents’ Day in Budapest.

Miklós Soltész’s open letter to Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President of the European Commission

Ministry of Human Capacities, May 10, 2017 6:14 PM

Re.: Open letter to Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President of the European Commission

A weak Europe cannot perform its role

Ministry of Human Capacities, May 5, 2017 10:57 AM

“A weak Europe is of no use to the world, because it is incapable of performing the role for which it is intended, which is to assist poorer peoples”, Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Thursday following a podium discussion at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna.

What happened at the TOPhÁZ Special Home in Göd is shocking and unacceptable

Ministry of Human Capacities, May 5, 2017 8:48 AM

The Government regards what happened to people under care at the TOPhÁZ Special Home in Göd as unacceptable.

Deputy State Secretary Attila Fülöp visits Israel

Ministry of Human Capacities, May 3, 2017 9:16 AM

Deputy State Secretary for Churches, Minorities and Civil Affairs Attila Fülöp was on an official visit to Israel at the invitation of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe. During the visit, the Deputy State Secretary held talks with, amongst others, Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef and Minister of Religious Services David Azulai, in addition to visiting the Austrian Hospice of the Holy Family in Jerusalem.

2016 was an extremely positive year base on Hungarian population indices

Ministry of Human Capacities, April 26, 2017 5:05 PM

The Ministry of Human Capacities’ Minister of State for Family, Youth and International Affairs Katalin Novák said the past year was extremely positive from the perspective of the Hungarian population. According to Ms. Novák, in 2016 demographic indices broke 20-year records in several instances.