Prime Minister’s Office

Gergely Gulyás

Minister of Prime Minister’s Office

Results per page 10


Migration crisis is precursor of wave of mass migration

Prime Minister’s Office, May 18, 2016 3:43 PM

The migration crisis is not just a temporary humanitarian challenge, but the precursor of a mass migration movement, the State Secretary for EU Affairs at the Prime Minister’s Office stated at a forum in Budapest on Wednesday.

Both the quota and the related fine are a form of coercion

Prime Minister’s Office, May 13, 2016 8:44 AM

“The European Commission (EC) cannot impose either the compulsory resettlement quota or the fine on those who reject it”, János Lázár said during his usual Thursday press conference.

Minister of State for National Policy meets OSCE High Commissioner Astrid Thors

Prime Minister’s Office, May 11, 2016 5:24 PM

Minister of State for National Policy Árpád János Potápi received the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s High Commissioner on National Minorities, Astrid Thors, in his office today.

Paks power plant site investigation underway

Prime Minister’s Office, May 11, 2016 12:25 PM

On Wednesday, Government Commissioner for Maintaining the Performance of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant Attila Aszódi told public television channel M1 that “one of the major tasks of preparing for the Paks Nuclear Power Plant expansion is the site investigation, the aim of which is to determine what effect the environment could have on the power station and to ensure that these factors are taken into account during planning”.

Reduction of workers employed in public sector would enhance competitiveness

Prime Minister’s Office, May 6, 2016 11:59 AM

The reduction of workers employed in the public sector would enhance the country’s competitiveness, János Lázár stressed, who takes the view that the number of people working in the public sector is extremely high today.

Hungary does not accept any form of forced resettlement or monetary fines

Prime Minister’s Office, May 6, 2016 8:31 AM

Szabolcs Takács, State Secretary for EU Affairs at the Prime Minister’s Office received the State Secretary for EU affairs of Slovakia which will hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union as of 1 July.

European Commission’s proposition is anti-democratic and inhumane

Prime Minister’s Office, May 5, 2016 8:39 PM

János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at his press conference held in Budapest on Thursday: Brussels’ proposition is anti-democratic because it seeks to take away the Member States’ right to sovereignty. In other words, the EU wants to tell us who should live in the Member States.

The Holocaust is one of the greatest tragedies of Hungarian history

Prime Minister’s Office, May 5, 2016 4:23 PM

The Holocaust is one of the greatest tragedies of not only the Jewish community in Hungary, but of the history of the whole of Hungarian society, Csaba Latorcai, Deputy State Secretary for Priority Social Affairs at the Prime Minister’s Office said at the commemoration held on Thursday in the former Auschwitz death camp.

International March of the Living is an affirmation of life

Prime Minister’s Office, May 5, 2016 4:22 PM

Dr Csaba Latorcai attended the 2016 event of the International March of the Living in Poland.

Funds of former cohesion cycle did not serve Hungary’s interests

Prime Minister’s Office, May 3, 2016 9:54 AM

The distribution of EU funds worth some HUF 9,223 billion which came to Hungary during the period between 2007 and 2013 did not serve the right social policy goals and was not based on the country’s best interests, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office pointed out at the parliamentary debate on the issue.