Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister

Antal Rogán

Head of Cabinet of the Prime Minister

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister

Digital Success Programme

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The election fraud committed by the Soros network must be investigated

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, April 9, 2018 1:06 PM

“The election fraud committed by the Soros network must be investigated”, Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said, indicating: in recent days advertisements attacking the government have appeared on the internet behind which lie one of Soros’s giant internet activist networks, Avaaz.

On Sunday we will be deciding whether Hungary will remain an independent country

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, April 4, 2018 5:05 PM

“This Sunday we will also be deciding whether Hungary will remain an independent country”, the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister’s Parliamentary State Secretary told reporters on Wednesday.

It will be decided on Sunday whether we can be forced to resettle migrants

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, April 4, 2018 8:56 AM

According to Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson, it matters who comes to power at the Sunday elections; if it is the people of George Soros, then Hungary will change irrevocably, because they will allow in the migrants.

The Soros organisations are building a database

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, March 28, 2018 1:28 PM

“The ‘Soros organisations’ are building a database in Hungary, Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said on Hungarian M1 television’s Wednesday morning current affairs program.

The Soros network is already looking for houses for the resettlement of migrants

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, March 27, 2018 7:40 PM

All signs point to the fact that the Soros network is already looking for houses for the resettlement of migrants”. Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said at a press conference on Tuesday.

The Stop Soros legislative package is aimed at protecting national interests

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, March 23, 2018 12:25 PM

“The legislative package controls organisations that are performing activities against the country, and accordingly protects national interests”, Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said on Hungarian M1 television’s Thursday morning show.

Reaction to today’s statement by Migration Aid

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, March 21, 2018 4:36 PM

What the representative of Migration Aid put forward today is a pathetic attempt to explain away the situation. We have still not received a reply to the question of whether they are building a database in the transit zone, and if so, with what purpose.

Introduction of mandatory quotas would affect most Hungarian cities and settlements

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, March 13, 2018 3:00 PM

The introduction of the mandatory quotas prescribing the resettlement of migrants would affect most Hungarian cities and settlements, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said at a press conference.

The UN migration proposal is pro-immigration to an extreme extent

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, March 12, 2018 6:53 PM

Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said the UN’s migration proposal was pro-immigration to an extreme extent, adding that “several elements of the proposal are significantly reminiscent of the Soros Plan”.

Migration costs a huge amount of money

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, March 12, 2018 10:59 AM

“Migration costs a huge amount of money, and providing for those ten thousand migrants that Brussels wants to resettle in Hungary before the end of this year would cost one hundred billion forints”, Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said on Hungarian M1 television’s Monday morning current affairs program.