Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister

Antal Rogán

Head of Cabinet of the Prime Minister

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister

Digital Success Programme

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Police staff to be increased by three thousand

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, August 10, 2016 7:02 PM

The Government will increase the personnel of the police by three thousand in the interest of reinforcing the policing of the borders, Bence Tuzson, State Secretary for Government Communication announced at his press conference held during the break of the cabinet meeting.

The political Left is still representing a pro-immigration position

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, August 9, 2016 9:50 AM

On Monday, Csaba Dömötör, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister told public television channel M1 that in his view the political Left still represents a pro-immigration position.

Brussels must be stopped

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, August 1, 2016 8:20 PM

The Hungarian people must stop Brussels which wants to settle in Hungary a townful of illegal immigrants, thereby increasing the risk of terrorism and crime, State Secretary for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said.

The political Left would like to invite migrants; the Government would like to restore security

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, July 25, 2016 11:14 AM

On Saturday, in response to statements by the opposition commenting on Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s address delivered at the 27th Bálványos Summer University, Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács told Hungarian news agency MTI that the political Left in Hungary – together with Brussels – supports migration, while the Government of Hungary has set the restoration of security as its objective.

We must return to the protection of values

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, July 25, 2016 10:27 AM

“We must determine the common Europe values again and in future we must return to the protection of those values”, Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said at Friday’s roundtable discussion during the 27th Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp.

The United States is an important ally

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, July 22, 2016 11:27 AM

Representing the Government of Hungary at the US presidential nominating convention on Thursday, Csaba Dömötör Parliamentary State Secretary at the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister told MTI that the United States is an important ally to Hungary, and the strengthened cooperation is a fundamental value in Hungary.

The axe attack in Germany is another proof for the correlation between migration and terrorism

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, July 20, 2016 2:45 PM

At a press conference on Tuesday, Bence Tuzson, Minister of State for Government Communication at the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said in relation to the axe attack in Germany that the Government was shocked by the event. He expressed his sympathy with the injured on behalf of the Government of Hungary.

Referendum more justified than ever

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, July 20, 2016 2:42 PM

During recess of the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday Antal Rogán, Head of the Cabinet of the Prime Minister said that Brussels’ proposed asylum system, which has recently been published is unacceptable. The Government of Hungary is of the opinion that the referendum on mandatory relocation is more justified than ever.

Everyone must see the dangers of Brussels’ immigration policy

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, July 20, 2016 2:37 PM

The Government considers the referendum as never having been a more actual issue than it is today, and accordingly it will be intensively continuing its information campaign on the referendum.

EU leaders’ judgement impaired

Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, July 19, 2016 3:42 PM

The European Union’s leaders’ judgement has been impaired, and they fail to see the fact that there is a close correlation between illegal immigration and terrorism, Bence Tuzson said at the conference Where is Europe heading? – Findings of the Project 28 research organised by the Századvég Foundation.