Ministry of Agriculture

István Nagy, Dr.

Minister of Agriculture

Results per page 10


Four more countries join European Soy Declaration

Ministry of Agriculture, January 24, 2018 3:09 PM

It is a success for Hungarian agricultural diplomacy that four more countries have joined the European Soy Declaration previously established thanks to a Hungarian-Austrian-German initiative. The signature signing ceremony took place within the framework of the Berlin International Green Week food industry expo, one of the accompanying programs of which is one of the world’s largest conferences of agriculture ministers, the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture.

The prospects for the future are good

Ministry of Agriculture, January 24, 2018 3:08 PM

“In recent years, agricultural output has grown remarkably even in EU comparison, reaching almost 2600 billion forints in 2017”, the Ministry of Agriculture’s Parliamentary State Secretary István Nagy said at an agricultural event in Kesznyéten.

Modern-day colonisation attempts are unacceptable

Ministry of Agriculture, January 23, 2018 3:37 PM

“Modern-day colonialization attempts on the part of Brussels or from elsewhere are unacceptable”, Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas said on Saturday in Lenti, at the 39th anniversary celebrations of the Zala County settlement being declared a city.

The reduction of VAT on the most important foodstuff is continuing

Ministry of Agriculture, January 23, 2018 3:36 PM

The government's goal is to tax the most important foodstuffs with the lowest possible levels of VAT, and accordingly will continue to reduce the VAT on key foods in 2018. The VAT on fish and pork offal and by-products for human consumption will be reduced from 27 percent to 5 percent beginning in January.

Negotiations with Egypt’s plant heath authority on a permit to export wheat come to a successful conclusion

Ministry of Agriculture, January 23, 2018 3:35 PM

As a result of negotiations that have been ongoing since 2012, Egypt’s Ministry of Agriculture and Soil Protection issued a license for the export of Hungarian wheat to North Africa on 10 December 2017. This has eliminated the obstacles that have always existed until now, and the phytosanitary restrictions have been lifted.

Berlin agriculture fair expected to be a major event for agricultural diplomacy

Ministry of Agriculture, January 23, 2018 3:34 PM

A delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture headed by Minister Sándor Fazekas will be participating in the International green Week (IGW) agriculture exhibition in Berlin, where Mr. Fazekas is expected to discuss the new EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and other current policy issues with ministers from 16 foreign countries on the sidelines of the event.

Hungary supports the work of the FAO aimed at eradicating starvation

Ministry of Agriculture, January 23, 2018 3:34 PM

Hungary and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization are celebrating the ten-year anniversary of the FAO's European and Central Asian regional office and Joint Service Centre moving to Hungary. The event, entitled "FAO 10 years in Hungary", was officially opened by Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas.

Plant protection is the starting point for safe agricultural production

Ministry of Agriculture, January 23, 2018 3:33 PM

“Plant protection is a key area of agriculture” - said Parliamentary State Secretary István Nagy said at a session of the Plant Protection Committee at the Ministry of Agriculture.

New opportunities to preserve soil moisture

Ministry of Agriculture, January 23, 2018 3:33 PM

“There are several processes and preparations available to preserve soil moisture so farmers can cultivate crops in areas where there is no possibility of irrigation”, Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas said at the "Can drought damage be reduced?" agriculture conference on Tuesday.

Hungarian agriculture sector reaches doorway to new era

Ministry of Agriculture, January 23, 2018 3:32 PM

The future of Hungarian agriculture and the livelihood of farmers depends to a great extent on to what extent we are able transpose and learn the most advanced information technology results and various solutions that assure efficient, modern and more economical production”, Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas said on Hungarian M1 television’s and Kossuth Radio’s morning programs.