Ministry of Human Capacities

Miklós Kásler

Minister of Human Capacities

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Government may build another school in Iraq

Ministry of Human Capacities, May 2, 2018 12:02 PM

The Hungarian government may build another school in Iraq, the Minister of Human Capacities announced on Friday in Budapest at the year-end ceremony held for persecuted young Christians studying in Hungary as scholarship holders.

Hungary alone responded to Iraqi request for assistance

Ministry of Human Capacities, May 2, 2018 12:01 PM

Hungary alone responded to the request for assistance of the Iraqi town of Tel Askuf to enable Christians living there to return to their homes and to rebuild their town, Father Salar Kajo, parish prient of the settlement destroyed by the organisation Islamic State, said.

We trust that Hungary will remain an island of peace for the Jewish community

Ministry of Human Capacities, April 19, 2018 2:52 PM

“We trust that Hungary will remain an island of peace for the Jewish community, for all Hungarian peoples and for everyone else, where nobody has to fear that they will suffer discrimination because of their origins, traditions or culture”, Bence Rétvári said on the Day of Remembrance for the Hungarian Victims of the Holocaust.

We need historical commemorations that can be perceived as a communal experience

Ministry of Human Capacities, April 6, 2018 8:36 AM

The government is making every attempt to ensure that historical commemorations become a communal experience that everyone can share, the Minister of Human Capacities stated in Mezőkövesd at the Tuesday introduction of the national teacher further training programme launched on the occasion of the centennial memorial year of World War I.

Migration would also place a huge burden on healthcare services

Ministry of Human Capacities, April 4, 2018 5:09 PM

“If tens of thousands of people are resettled in Hungary it would also place a major burden on the healthcare budget”, the Ministry of Human Capacities’ Parliamentary State Secretary said on Tuesday at a press conference in Kemence after the arrival of health screening bus that operates within the framework of the Healthy Hungary Programme.

We are preparing to make a crucial decision

Ministry of Human Capacities, April 4, 2018 12:11 PM

“8 April is a crucial day; we will not simply be deciding on the next four or eight years, but about the future of or children and grandchildren”, Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog declared in Hódmezővásárhely.

The Roma minority could be the biggest losers of mandatory resettlement

Ministry of Human Capacities, March 12, 2018 10:50 AM

“The biggest losers of the admittance of migrants in Central and Eastern Europe could be the Roma minority, in view of the fact that the monies being spent on their integration would have to be redirected to pay for illegal immigrants”, Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog stressed in Heidelberg on Saturday in an interview for Hungarian M1 television.

Everything that is a threat to security, must be rejected

Ministry of Human Capacities, March 10, 2018 11:09 AM

We need to develop a new culture of dialogue in the European Union, so that the Western part of the continent can better understand the Central-Eastern European region, and move away from the practice of “passing moralising judgment”, Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog said at a conference in Germany on Saturday.

Warsaw views the Stop Soros legislative package in a positive light

Ministry of Human Capacities, March 2, 2018 1:27 PM

“The Polish Interior Ministry’s State Secretary, Krzysztof Kozłowski has a positive view with regard to the Stop Soros package and Poland is working on a similar bill”, Minister of State Miklós Soltész told Hungarian news agency MTI on Thursday during a working visit to Warsaw.

Poland and Hungary should stand up for what they believe in

Ministry of Human Capacities, March 1, 2018 5:25 PM

It is important that Poland and Hungary should continue to stand up for what they believe is right, Beata Mazurek, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm (lower house of the Polish parliament) and Miklós Soltész, Minister of State for Church, Nationality and Civil Society Relations at the Ministry of Human Capacities pointed out after Mr Soltész handed over in the Sejm the resolution of Parliament regarding Hungary’s solidarity with Poland.