Ministry of Human Capacities

Miklós Kásler

Minister of Human Capacities

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The HAC did not accredit the offshore Soros university that issues American degrees

Ministry of Human Capacities, March 1, 2018 3:42 PM

In contrast to recent press reports, the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) did not accredit the offshore university that issues American degrees (CEU).

Restoring trust between Roma and non-Roma is a goal of Hungary’s nation strategy

Ministry of Human Capacities, February 28, 2018 5:44 PM

Restoring trust between Roma and non-Roma people is a goal of Hungary’s nation strategy, and culture and the arts play an essential role in this, the Minister of State for Social Affairs and Social Inclusion stressed on Wednesday in Koroncó in Győr-Moson-Sopron County.

Budapest will be the European Capital of Sport for 2019

Ministry of Human Capacities, February 28, 2018 1:43 PM

According to Minister of State for Sport Tünde Szabó, the fact that Budapest will be 2019’s European Capital of Sport is a fantastic acknowledgement for both the capital and Hungarian sport.

We must recollect many kinds of victims on the Memorial Day for the Victims of Communism

Ministry of Human Capacities, February 27, 2018 9:14 AM

According to the Ministry of Human Capacities’ Parliamentary State Secretary, we must recollect many kinds of victims on the Memorial Day for the Victims of Communism.

White House Director of Office of Management and Budget urging renewal of Hungarian-US relations

Ministry of Human Capacities, February 12, 2018 4:00 PM

Mick Mulvaney, White House Director of the Office of Management and Budget, too, is urging the renewal of Hungarian-US relations, Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog told the Hungarian news agency MTI after his talks in the White House.

Bence Rétvári holds talks with Serbian ministers

Ministry of Human Capacities, February 12, 2018 10:27 AM

During the Hungarian-Serbian government summit Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry of Human Capacities Bence Rétvári held talks with Serbian Minister for Demography and Population Slavica Đukić-Dejanović, Minister for Culture and Media Vladan Vukosavljević and Minister for Education, Science and Technology Mladen Šarčević.

American-Hungarian relations are developing well, according to Rex Tillerson

Ministry of Human Capacities, February 9, 2018 1:28 PM

“American-Hungarian relations are developing well”, Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog said quoting U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI after having met and spoken to him following a prayer breakfast on Thursday.

There can be no strong Europe without strong national identity

Ministry of Human Capacities, January 30, 2018 11:13 AM

“Europe in the 21st century can only be strong through assuring the rights of indigenous national minorities and a strong national identity”, Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog declared in Berlin at the launch of a book by the German Federal Government’s former Delegate for Immigration and National Minorities Hartmut Koschyk entitled Heimat, Identität, Glaube (Homeland, Identity, Faith).

Zoltán Balog and Katalin Novák hold talks with Bavarian Minister Emilia Müller

Ministry of Human Capacities, January 26, 2018 1:28 PM

Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog and Minister of State for Family and Youth Affairs Katalin Novák held talks with Bavaria’s Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Family and Integration Emilia Müller on Wednesday In Budapest.

Seven Hungarian cities bid for 2023 European Capital of Culture

Ministry of Human Capacities, December 23, 2017 11:44 AM

Before the submission deadline of 12:00 on 20 December 2017, seven Hungarian cities – Győr, Szombathely, Veszprém, Székesfehérvár, Gödöllő, Eger and Debrecen – have submitted their bids to become European Capital of Culture in 2023.