Ministry of Human Capacities

Miklós Kásler

Minister of Human Capacities

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Hungarian interests must remain in focus

Ministry of Human Capacities, October 1, 2015 12:50 PM

The Hungarian administration must continue to focus primarily on the interests and considerations of the Hungarian nation, meaning it must protect the people of Hungary during the migration crisis, but helping those in need is also important to the Government”, the Ministry of Human Capacities’ Minister of State for Churches, National Minorities and Civil Affairs told Hungarian news agency MTI on Wednesday in Zagreb.

Political decisions must always take into account the will of the people

Ministry of Human Capacities, September 30, 2015 1:50 PM

“Major political decisions and solutions must take into account the will of the people and respect minority opinions”, Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog said on Tuesday at a conference in Budapest.

Charity Council discusses migration and Transcarpathian situation

Ministry of Human Capacities, September 29, 2015 6:15 PM

Minister of State for Churches, National Minorities and Civil Affairs Miklós Soltész has said that at the Tuesday meeting of the Charity Council, Hungarian charity organisations discussed migration, the role which should be played by the National Conference of Student Associations (HÖOK) and the situation in Transcarpathia.

Zoltán Balog visits refugee children in Fót

Ministry of Human Capacities, September 28, 2015 6:23 PM

Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog visited refugees at the Children’s Centre in Fót, near Budapest on Sunday. The Minister was shown around the Centre by Director István Kádas and manager of the home for refugee children Zsófia Roszik, and was able see how the 70 children currently living there are doing first hand.

New Integrated SOS Children’s Village opens in Orosháza

Ministry of Human Capacities, September 28, 2015 6:18 PM

The Hungarian Government’s childcare policy is focused on providing children with families, Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog said on Monday at the official opening of the new SOS Children’s Village in Orosháza. The village was moved there from its previous location in Battonya.

We have no problem with the immigrants, but with those who send and entice them

Ministry of Human Capacities, September 25, 2015 11:31 AM

The world must understand that Hungary “has no problem with the migrants, but the with those who send and entice them“ - Minister of State for Churches, National Minorities and Civil Affairs Miklós Soltész said at a demographic conference in Timisoara, southwest Romania on Thursday. The primary focus of the conference was the demographic situation of western Romanian Banat region, but speakers also discussed the flood of migrants hitting Europe.

Southwest Hungarian town ready to receive migrants

Ministry of Human Capacities, September 23, 2015 1:51 PM

The southwest Hungarian town of Barcs on the Croatian border is fully prepared to receive migrants, Minister of State for Churches, National Minorities and Civil Affairs Miklós Soltész said at a press conference there on Tuesday.

Hungary has a duty to protect its borders and ensure the country’s security

Ministry of Human Capacities, September 21, 2015 5:31 PM

“The state has its obligations as laid down by the constitution, and accordingly it is Hungary’s duty to protect its borders and ensure the country’s security”, Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog said on Friday during a political talk show on Hungarian independent television channel ATV.

Hungarians have not changed

Ministry of Human Capacities, September 17, 2015 2:10 PM

The Hungarians have not changed: they are the same people who welcomed the East German refugees 25 years ago and at the onset of the Balkans war were the first to help people fleeing the disintegrating Yugoslavia, Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog said on Wednesday during a political talk show on German national television channel ARD.

Hungarian childcare services are fully prepared to provide for minors travelling alone

Ministry of Human Capacities, September 16, 2015 5:11 PM

The Hungarian Government views all children who arrive in Hungary without their parents or other accompaniment not as immigrants, but primarily as children. Thanks to several measures introduced in recent weeks, Hungarian childcare services are fully prepared to receive and provide for foreign children who arrive in Hungary without adult accompaniment. The Hungarian childcare system is capable of handling the situation. We will provide safe homes and accommodation for all children.